
Motivating Learning

What advice can you provide to motivate children to learn?

Touch my tummy, Mommy, for good luck!

Sex education for minors.


About the Parenting Forum

Learning is a family tradition.

Tearn parents may post discussions on parenting issues. What topics would you like to add?



At what age do you start allowances? Should allowances be tied to chores? How much allowance should you provide? How do we tie allowances to a lesson in budgeting and saving?

TV Time

Should parents restrict TV time? How much time are your children allowed to watch? Do you monitor their program intake? Do you use the carrot or stick method to control TV time?

Love with all your heart.

A few laughs after you've gotten all your ducks in one row.


Swear Words

Kids learn swear words faster than their vocabulary. How do we teach them the right words from the wrong words?


About: Tearner Corner

Tearner Corner provides tutorial help for Tearn members. Members pay an annual fee to operate a Tearn workshop. Instructions at Tearner Corner provide step-by-step aid for creating activities, lessons, and courses.

Plan: Volunteer to Run Clubs at School

Start an extracurricular club at your school, church, or daycare. Review the club plan, daily activities, and monitoring tools. Tearn makes it easy.

Share the club fees with your organization.

Asian cultures emphasize homework and memorized learning.